Doggett’s Arbor Care Program

[caption id="attachment_9027" align="alignnone" width="1000"] Doggett’s Arbor Care Program[/caption] Trees can be so much more than decoration to add beauty to our yards (though they do that!). They also add value to your property.  A healthy tree is one that grows strong roots. It has plenty of energy stored up by photosynthesis through leaves on branches reaching towards sunlight. Trees provide shade, oxygen and food for animals. However, in order to keep your tree healthy you need to take care of it by watering it and fertilizing it regularly. Trees are often times the most prominent feature in a yard and home. Because of this, they deserve to be cared for properly. Many people don't know how to do this, so we put together a comprehensive arbor care program on what you need to do when caring for your trees! Trees...