What is biochar and how does it help?

What is biochar and how does it help? Simply put, biochar is a highly adsorbent, specially-produced charcoal. It was originally used as a soil amendment. Scientists theorize biochar was first used in the Amazon Basin thousands of years ago.  In this area, there are extensive regions of dark, highly fertile soil known as terra preta were discovered, revealing high concentrations of biochar and organic matter. How It Works BioChar works very well in a "charged" state. Meaning, blended with a compost source.  Make it easier to handle, spread better.  Works with composted materials to make nutrients available and feed micro-organisms. Doggett's Myco-Starter 3-3-3 is a perfect combination with biochar.  Contains poultry compost, endo & ecto mycorrhizae for roots.  Perfect for amending and improving soils. While the Brazilian tradition provides long-term evidence of biochar’s positive impact on soils, recent research continues...