29 Mar 2021

Why Fertilize Trees and Shrubs?

Why do we fertilize trees & shrubs? Especially in the urban landscape setting, trees, as well as shrubs and ornamentals are the most valuable asset on the property. Promotes health, vigor, color and growth of landscape species. Simply to mimic the forest floor. Here is an article on the value of trees. Characteristics & Functions of Roots are as follows: Three Primary Functions • acquisition of soil-based resources: water & nutrients • plant anchorage • food (carbohydrate) storage Secondary Functions • synthesis of growth regulators • plant propagation • tubers • root buds • suckers Effect of N on Root : Shoot Ratios Fertilizers (nitrogen) generally stimulates shoot growth more than roots. This results in decreased root : shoot ratios Question:If soluble (coated) nitrogen sources contribute N faster vs. MU/UF, can they limit root growth; root; shoot ratios? Bottom Line:...

22 Mar 2021

Manganese (Mn) in Trees & Shrubs

Manganese (Mn) plays an important role in plants..  Considered a micro-nutrient, it is one of the essential nutrients required for growth. Plants depend on it to aid in photosynthesis, chloroplast formation, nitrogen metabolism and synthesizing enzymes. Tissue testing is an excellent way to determine if a tree or shrub is Mn deficient.  Certain trees are inefficient in utilizing Mn. Even though it can occur in any plant species, the most common are pin oaks, maples, dogwoods and river birches. Signs or symptoms would be pale green or yellow leaves with darker green veins. Mn deficiency is a serious, widespread plant nutritional disorder.  It is often found in dry, well-aerated and calcareous soils, as well as in soils containing high amounts of organic matter.  Bio-availability of Mn can decrease far below the level that is required for normal plant growth To...

22 Feb 2021

Mycorrhizae a Living Body Within Your Plants

Mycorrhizae a Living Body Within Your Plants. Planting, whether you are doing it as a hobby, to kill some time and relax, an ingredient resource for cooking, for livelihood, for the beautification of your own spaces, or simply because of your green thumb, whatever motivates you to start and keep going, I'm sure that you'd like to hear and know more about the amazing processes behind the growth of your cherished plants. Did you know, particularly, land plants have their way of coping mechanism? Yes, you heard it right! Plants also behave as an actual person does. They have their means of surviving and living their way through the ecosystem. Have you ever heard of Mycorrhizae? It's most likely that you'll find it unusual to see these letters combined in just one word. Just how rare you'll bump into this...

17 Feb 2021

Organic Fertilizer a Natural Diet

Organic Fertilizer a Natural Diet for the Greens, if you will be asked about your "Gardening 101" experience, this is probably one of those first answers you'll pitch! The most common, easy, and natural way of feeding our plants: through organic fertilizer. It is easy to discuss and share this common knowledge from our personal experiences in planting/gardening. It might be from our parents, family members, friends. It can be from school-related activities and projects that involve growing plants or even trees. Not to mention, you might also gain this source of knowledge from a group of people who are educated through undergoing and actively practicing the usage of organic fertilizer. It will come out naturally. It's as if it's the source of truth in agriculture in rural (countryside) areas. Now hear me out while I share some friendly tips...

11 Feb 2021

What is biochar and how does it help?

What is biochar and how does it help? Simply put, biochar is a highly adsorbent, specially-produced charcoal. It was originally used as a soil amendment. Scientists theorize biochar was first used in the Amazon Basin thousands of years ago.  In this area, there are extensive regions of dark, highly fertile soil known as terra preta were discovered, revealing high concentrations of biochar and organic matter. How It Works BioChar works very well in a "charged" state. Meaning, blended with a compost source.  Make it easier to handle, spread better.  Works with composted materials to make nutrients available and feed micro-organisms. Doggett's Myco-Starter 3-3-3 is a perfect combination with biochar.  Contains poultry compost, endo & ecto mycorrhizae for roots.  Perfect for amending and improving soils. While the Brazilian tradition provides long-term evidence of biochar’s positive impact on soils, recent research continues...